
The first tattoo is done!

Yesterday there were a hole weekend with alot of tattoo artists in Trollhättan in Sweden.
Michelle and Rebecka went there to check it out...And Michelle got the bands and her´s first tattoo!!!

here is Michelle before the tattoo...

Michelle gets the prints on the right place....

 Michelle on the table & Rebecka drinking beer...

Talking alot was a good thing to do....

before the color......

with color on



We are going up

We raised €40 this week!!! So we are on the LIVE CHARTS LIST!!!
Hope we will stay there, and maybe we will get as much as the three above us...
Help us get our goal, so we can record our debut album!

The new rehearsal hall: Pictures

The leadsinger Rebecka Haak was in the new rehearsal hall today and took some pics!!
This is the great new place, where THE KINGS OF QUEENS will be working from mars 2011.

Rebecka opens the door, so you can sneak peek...

Here it is!! 27 kvm!!

A sofa and a table maybe here...

We are going to put up a long table and build us a studio station...maybe here...

Here you can see it from the outside...

Here we will eat ;)...right outside the rehearsal hall..

This is our view, and also Rebecka Haaks old office....


Valentines Day

We want to give all our fans and believers LOVE on Valentines Day!

(one day late) but LOVE never comes late!! ROCK ON!!

The band got chocolate-hearts to eat!! Nice!

Hjärtan = hearts


Help us reach €1000

When we reach €1000 on sellaband.com we will:

-  put up a new live videoclip with one new song that you can hear us play and see us play in the rehearsal hall or in the studio. 

That livesong will be on the record...So if you want to have a sneak peek before the debut album is done, help us get to 

€ 1000 now. 

We have € 160 right now, so we are soon there!

We can do it if everyone spread the word and help us out. thanks!
Have a really nice day.

Sign up on sellaband.com and be a beliver of THE KINGS OF QUEENS.
Please read everything before you put in any money in sellaband.com, so you don´t miss anything. 
We never want anyone to missunderstand. 
thank you!

The band: one day in the rehearsal hall


    Hampus is the cableman and Ludwig is the guitarhero nr 1!

    Hanging in the café place nearby the rehearsal hall in Lidköping..
    With there really nice t-shirts...;)


 In the rehearsal hall Rebecka, Miche & Ludwig in the pic..

Hampus...in the house

Hampus is in the house....sitting in the rehearsal hall in Lidköping, playing one of the new songs.
We turned off the lights after we took the pics, just to get more intense feelings during 
the writing progress. That was nice!  

Don´t miss the t-shirt, the band t-shirt...If you want one, send us an email for more information. 

let´s hide and seek

Ludwig and one of his darlings..

Here is one of Ludwig´s darlings...! He loves his guitars!
And he loves girls too..

Here you can see Ludwig writing guitar things to one of the new songs. 
Don´t miss  the t-shirt on this pic, that is our band t-shirt. 
If you want to have one too...you can buy one..send us a email for more info.

Ludwig in the rehearsal hall in Lidköping....


The cello

Here you have Michelle´s  new darling and honey. The great cello!!

It sound great!!!


Basist sökes till bandet


Sexigt rockband som spelar dramatisk rock med symfoniska influenser av dynamiska och hårda arrangemang. Piano, gitarr, fiol/cello, trummot, pads och bas är grundsättningen i bandet. Mörkt, hårt blandat med fina melodier, stora refränger och mycket bra sång.

Just nu skriver vi material till vår debutskiva som kommer ut under 2011, så vi söker en basist omgående som ska vara med och vill vara med i hela processen, till färdig produkt.
Vi satsar stenhårt. Men mer om allt tar vi när vi ses.

Under 2010 släppte vi en stor musikvideoproduktion med singeln Pretending. Kolla in musikvideon och lyssna på singeln från 2010 på www.facebook.com/thekingsofqueens

Kunna röra dig på scen, sjunga körer, duktig på ditt instrument, schysst, positiv, lättsam person, flexibel och villig att jobba/satsa på bandet. Vi kommer from i April 2011 repa i Trollhättan så du som söker måste vilja och kunna repa där.

Vi kommer ha en provtillfälle med de intresserade och mer info om det kommer när ni hör av er till oss. Det är viktigt att du som söker passar in i gänget och att kemin funkar bra, så det kommer vara väldigt viktigt för oss när vi testar..

Hör av er via mail omgående till:





new videoclip on youtube with us

Watch the new videoclip with THE KINGS OF QUEENS.
We will put up one new videoclip every month. So this is january 2011!!!



We are the musicvideo of the month!!!
We have got alot of great pr with the music and video right now. That is awesome!!
So visist http://www.talentcast.nl to see us when we are THE MUSICVIDEO OF THE MOTH!!!

Thank you so much!